The Sunbeam Board raises awareness of Vocational Guidance Services and provides financial support through fundraising events and activities.
In 1890, a small group of young women created the Sunbeam Circle to sew items to sell, the proceeds supporting children at Cleveland’s Lakeside Hospital. Today, 134 years later, the Sunbeam Circle is known as The Sunbeam Board – a group of dedicated volunteers committed to supporting VGS and the individuals we serve through hands-on volunteering, fundraising, and spreading awareness of our services and the need for them. The tradition of the Sunbeam’s Circle raising funds from the selling of unique items lives on in The Sunbeam Holiday Boutique, which was first held in 1911.

2024 Sunbeam Board
Board Leaders
Trish Dorsey
Carran Gannaway
Active Members
Baird Bass
Laura Bauschard
Jenny Beesley
Aditi Bhatt
Suzel Bonome-Shields
Courtney Conway
Julie Cox
Moya Dacey
Renee de Windt
Trish Dorsey
Kara Doyle
Nina Eastman
Libby Freeman
Carran Gannaway
Maha Gemayel
Jennifer Greer
Laura Greig
Sarah P. Guyuron
Jenifer Halapy
Ingrid Herrera
Elizabeth Horvitz
Morgan Jacobs
Ariel Kapela
Julie Kuipers
Lisa Lane
Lindsay LeBlanc
Tara Malbasa
Abby McElroy
Sarah McWhorter
Annie Mitchell
Nicole Mylen
Caitlin Osborne
Ana María Osses
Katie Panzica
Molly Panzica
Cally Papenfus
Ashley Reed
Sara Schaefer
Nadia Schroth
Kate Scovil
Ellie Secrist
Sarah Spannagel
Chelsea Wolkoff
Allison Wuliger
Sustaining Members
Claudia Anton
Nicole Barry
Kelly Beiswenger
Kelly Biggar
Margie Biggar
Caroline Borrow
Pat Brownell
Helen Butler
Joanna Carfagna
Amy Ciano
Joan Cody
Laurel Conrad
Karen Converse
Christie Croissant
Sabrina Davies
Suzanne Deering
Susan Delaney
Debbie Donley
Kim Ertz
Anne Fitzgerald
Kate Floyd
Laura Fricke
Kelly Gale
Linda Glickman
Pamela H. Haag
Jennifer Hartford
Cyndi Hatch
Lisa Henkel
Debbie Hermann
Laura Herrick
Barbara Horrigan
Mandee Jones
Tiffany Kaplan
Lisa Kapp
Jane Kern
Jane Lamb
Amy Laughlin
Catherine Levy
Susan Locke
Lauren MacLaren
Ashley Mallett
Ann Malone
Kristine McGee
Emily McLaughlin
Megan McMahon
Susie Mead
Colleen Miklus
Petra Moran
Sarah Morgan
Lori Morris
Lisa Mortimer
Dale Naylor
Beth Anne Nettis
Christine Newell
Elizabeth Newman
Pamela Osborne
Katie Outcalt
Angela Owen
Judy Pace
Amy Paine
Janine Pape
Darrah Parsons
Susan Paul
Carolann Rauser
Sally Rubenstein
Kristen Salata
Heidi Scaravelli
Ellen Schmidt
Kara Schwabauer
Caroline Schwartz
Chloe Seelbach
Christine Semarjian
Elizabeth Sheeler
Nina Sheffler
Laurel Stack
Sandra Stafford
Hallie Stewart
Michele Steele
Macy Stein
Abigail Steinberg
Neeti Sundaresh
Suzanne Taigen
Stephanie Teeter
Debbie Thompson
Nicole H. Twells
Jeannine Voinovich
Kylie Volpe
Kristin Voos
Kelly Warner
Lynne Winings